28 Jun 2016

Inshort Review:Why Britain left the European Union

Hello Readers,

Today we are presenting an article on “BREXIT. In this article we willl brief you about what is EU and why britan voted against it.Britain voted on Thursday to leave the European Union, decision that surprised many and one whose consequences are still not clear to many people. this will definetly have long time effect on future of Britain’s economy, its policies, and its relations with other European countries.


How the EU came to be, and how Britain came to decide not to be part of it.

Europe is a collection of countries that used to fight a lot within each other. So after WWII, many countries felt it was important to integrate European countries.
Countries often make rules about things coming into their countries.

Every country has its own trade, immigration, and economic policies.So in order to have a same rules and regulation for trade, European Union first time appeared.
European union allowed peoples, goods, services, and capital to move freely between member countries.

 European Union made it much easier for citizens of one country to migrate to another. 

British Prime Minister David Cameron announced a referendum on whether Britain should remain in the European Union last year.

That’s Brexit, Which happened on 23rd June 2016

Poor economic performance and inconsistent handling of the migration crisis have driven U.K to vote in favour of brexit.

Britain’s vote is a big deal. But it could be the start of something bigger, too. This might be the first of many political expressions of discontent among EU countries, potentially causing the disintegration of Europe. 

NOTE: About 1.2 million Brits currently live in other EU countries. Right now they are able work in these other countries without much hassle.



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